Darwi Air dry Clay has arrived
•Posted on June 27 2019
Our new super soft air dry clay has finally arrived. The new clay has minimal shrinkage and cracking when left to air dry naturally and is very soft and easy to use, it is easy to knead and push into the moulds and being so pliable there is less wastage as you can reuse pieces, this is a big improvement on what we had previously. Our Georgian Sky and white gold heart has been created using the Darwi clay in the Baroque Swirls moulds and it cast super easily. I removed it from the mould immediately and glued it down with a tacky glue when still damp and moved it around and bent the shape to suit my heart canvas, I painted it once a dry cast had formed over the top. The complete drying time for the clay is 24 hours and I have had no shrinkage in the design at all
We currently have it stocked in a 250g and a 1kg block and I am sure you will enjoy using it
Find it here 250g Darwi and here 1kg Darwi
The clay is made in Belgium in a specialist clay and ceramic factory